Thursday, November 28, 2019

Enslavement Essays - Crimes Against Humanity, Abuse, Racism, Slavery

Enslavement In the three packets we read Zinn, Mannix and Cowely, Takkaki they all refer to the Middle Passage and the brutality of enslavement. Specifically my interests were how the slaves white and black were treated. The women were treated with no respect at all. They were beaten and raped for no legitimate reason by their masters. ?Beatings and whippings were common. Servant women were raped. One observer testified: I have seen an Overseer beat a Servant with a cane about the head till the blood has followed, for a fault that is not worth the speaking of.... The Maryland court records showed many servant suicides. In 1671, Governor Berkeley of Virginia reported that in previous years four of five servants died of disease after their arrival. Many were poor children, gathered up by the hundreds on the streets of English cities and sent to Virginia to work?(44 Zinn). In class as we watched the movie clip from Amistad it brought such a reality to my mind of how cruel and despicable the people were. It makes me cringe when I see the people beating, raping, and taking away these people's freedom. During the Middle Passage men were ripped from their families and women were prey for the sailors and no slaves wanted to be alive on these ships. ?The many acts of violence they have committed by murdering whole crews and destroying ships when they had it in their power to do so have made these rigors wholly chargeable on their own bloody and malicious disposition which calls for the same confinement as if they were wolves or wild boars. For wolves or wild boars a modern reader might substitue men who would rather die than be enslaved? (Cowely 89). The slaves were treated so horribly they got on the ship shackled by their ankles and wrists, they had to sleep on the wood unplanned floors, elbows were skinned to the bare bones, and occasionally they were fed. The repulsive men who put these poor African American men and women in such pain deserve to be put in the same situation. In class while we were simulating the Middle Passage being in close quarters and head to head next to each other was an interesting experience. This experiment could have been very affective if everyone had been more open-minded and if we really had taken it seriously. TO feel the immense amount of pain and the disgust these people went through is so unbearable. The fact that we were lying closely together bugged me but, I don't think I could stand it being naked my flesh stuck to two other people packed in like sardines is unimaginable. Enslavement was a part of history that I find imorrorally and ethically wrong if I could of changed it I would have. Bibliography Zinn PAcket Cowely Packet Takakki A Diferent Mirror History Reports

Sunday, November 24, 2019

There are many similarities between looking for a rain god and Veronica Essays

There are many similarities between looking for a rain god and Veronica Essays There are many similarities between looking for a rain god and Veronica Paper There are many similarities between looking for a rain god and Veronica Paper I agree with the statement above, There are many similarities between Looking for a rain god and Veronica. Both of the stories are written in a way that draws the reader into the stories picture, the other similarity is that of the themes. The themes, which the two stories include, are those of poverty, isolation, death and helplessness. Both stories are set in countries and places, which are far removed from ours in distance and culture adding to the similarities between the two. However these themes are presented in different ways, both giving a similar impression. There is a mixture of key elements, which make the two stories differ in the way they are presented; in structure, characterisation, use of language and dialogue. These differences are used to give us the reader a diverse and greater understanding of how the separate themes work in the different stories. As in all good stories themes are used help us to understand the characters and the author on a deeper level. The most evident theme in Veronica and Looking For A Rain God is that of isolation and distance. The land, which Bessie Head (writer of Looking For A rain God) describes, is one that is cut off from the rest of the world and ultimately lonely. The opening line conveys this well It is lonely at the lands where people go to plough Bessie Head (The writer of Looking For A Rain God) uses the first paragraph to set a scene of distance and isolation. This is done to try to help us gain insight and understand the situation and characters. Adewale Maja-Pearce or Okeke (The writer of Veronica) also tries to use the theme of isolation and distance to help understand the story better. Although in contrast to Looking For A Rain God it is for a more personal reason, partly to understand his friends actions. When Okeke returns to Veronica for the first time after becoming a doctor he is shocked at how little has changed. Veronica is not so shocked and although her words may sound accusing they in fact reveal a level of understanding of her isolation. She says simply to Okeke I am still here, as you left me. The writers have been brought up in areas distant to ours and the western world. The isolation they talk about seems shocking and extreme to us, but the writers are more concerned with the effects of living in isolation. This isolation that both writers try to tackle brings about a helplessness they both feel towards the different situations. In Veronica Okeke is about to move away to the city and wants Veronica to follow him there as he feels helpless to the fact she is stuck in a constant cycle of unhappiness. He tries to persuade her to come with him, but there is always something standing in the way. When asked to come to the city she replies sharply No, the city is for you, not me. What will I do once I get there? I have no qualifications, not even Standard Six. This is in contrast to LFARG as it seems like there is no solution to the seven year drought. Bessie talks about how such a tiny village whos economy relies solely on farming as the main source of money can suffer. She writes about the helplessness and growing concern No one knew what to do to escape the heat and tragedy that was in the air The themes in both stories help to mould the tone, making it solemn and remorseful. The stories carry such a tone because both narrators perhaps feel an underlining guilt for what happened, accompanied by a feeling that they would not have acted differently if it had happened to them. Bessie Head makes her views clear when she writes But all people who lived off crops knew in their hearts that only a hairs breadth saved them from sharing a similar fate. In Veronica to the scene where Veronica refuses to go to the city, the writer admits that he understood her point of view. But he was still resentful as he writes Although I knew there was a lot of truth in what she said I resented her arguments. There is a similar setting in Veronica and Looking For A Rain God which may explain why they share many prominent themes. This can be explained due to the fact that they are both stories taken from writers who have lived in an isolated and distant place. But this can over shadow the fact that both stories differ greatly in how they present similar but vastly different ideas. The structure is very different in the Looking For A Rain God to Veronica. Bessie Head writes the story from a third person narrative and is describes a villagers view of story, which gives us a wider insight. Looking For A Rain God is split into three sections; the first creates a background to the story and a short image of what life is like, the second tells the story of the family, finally the third analyses what has happened and portrays its effect on the village. Veronica, in comparison, is not so complicated in structure; instead it focuses solely on the relationship between the writer and Veronica, ending in her death. The story is mainly told using dialogue and a bit of narrative, it is written only in the first person. The use of dialogue seperates the two stories, as it gives Veronica an added depth to the characters and leaves more to be interpreted by the reader. The language in Looking For A Rain God compared to Veronica is far richer, describing in detail the significant elements of the story. This works towards setting a deeper background making up for the lack of personal touch. For instance Bessie Head describes the land seven times in the opening paragraph. The language in Veronica is direct, with the Okeke letting the actions which happen tell the story rather than him, again showing a further willingness for the story to be interpreted freely. This works as he does not write with a particular view instead just his memoirs. The Narrative is the main reason why the stories are noticeably presented differently. Veronica is written in the first person narrative, as the writer actually experienced what he is writing about, so we see it through his eyes. His motives for writing the story lend well to a first person narrative, as he wants to analyses what happened between him and Veronica. So by going over his actions and speech he can better understand how he felt about her. Rather than the story being only about veronica it is instead about what Okeke did or said in relation to her. Again as in Veronica the narrative is dictated in Looking For A Rain God by the aims of the writer. Bessie Head wishes to convey a way of showing the effects of isolation and distance when a major disaster happens and what the implications for that can be. The third person narrative also helps Bessie Head, convey the complex mixture of old traditions and new ones, also to analyses that. As none of what happens involved her she writes about it as an onlooker to the story and offering her explanations. As the title of this essay says there are many similarities between Veronica and Looking For A Rain God. But the narrative and aims of the two writers means these ideas are presented in different ways.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

War on Drugs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

War on Drugs - Essay Example Some policies have created conflicting issues because they are not clear; hence making war on drug polices a difficult social policy in the contemporary society. Therefore, the international community has made significant efforts towards identifying and prompting human rights through helping the minorities, oppressed people, disadvantaged and encouraging the government to initiate the protection of human rights across the globe. The issues of war on drugs have led to various effects globally. The authors including Malinowska-Sempruch, Hoover and Alexandrova provide various approaches towards unintended consequences of the war on drugs. They attempt to reveal the way war on drug policies has led to HIV epidemic in Russia, Ukraine and many other countries. The UN conventions implemented the international drug polices, but some of them have contributed to the hindrance towards confronting issues of health epidemics. The authors report that the â€Å"unforeseen consequence in the age of HIV† in countries where drug use is high plays a significant role in spread of HIV (Malinowska-Sempruch, Hoover and Alexandrova, 2003: 196). The impact of law enforcement towards reducing illegal drug measures are seen unnecessary because they contribute to health issues; thus violating human rights. â€Å"The warning signs of massive dual drug and HIV epidemics in Russia and Ukraine have been apparent since the late 1990s. Few observers, though, ever thought that HIV would reach catastrophic levels so quickly. â€Å"(Malinowska-Sempruch, Hoover and Alexandrova, 2003: 204) The international community should play a leading role towards identifying and promoting human rights across the globe (Malinowska-Sempruch, Hoover and Alexandrova, 2003: 194). Various agencies of the international community should work together towards helping the minority, oppressed and the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Quiz Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Quiz - Assignment Example digm of economic activity tries to encapsulate the natural order of an economy based on that paradigm, to show that it has a logic that works best when left to its own devices. Governmental intervention has no role in this regard. Jacques Turgot argues for the same, and sees the privileged classes, by virtue of their unnatural privileges, warping the natural flow of the economy so to speak. In place of the privileged classes, Turgot points to the farmers, the proponents of capitalism, as being best able to farm the lands in the most market efficient manner (â€Å"Critics of the Mercantilist Era†). Meltzer makes a good point about how democratic societies ultimately shape the extend of wealth redistribution through the power of the vote. In the US, for instance, where voters want greater wealth redistribution, voters go for Democrats with such agendas, and where they want less, they go for Republicans who espouse lower taxes and minimalists governments. The gist of his thoughts on deficits and sustainability is that while deficit spending may cure some economic ills in the short term, society pays for it in the long term in one way or the other, including deficit spending that inevitably fuels inflationary forces (PowerPoint

Monday, November 18, 2019

Christology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Christology - Essay Example Though Jesus taught them that He would resurrect on the third day, they were unable to understand its meaning until the miracle took place. This lack of hope is evident from the fact that they thought they were seeing a ghost when they saw the resurrected Jesus (Luke 24:37). Thus, this resurrection became the very foundation of their renewed vigour and hope. As a result, one can see this hope and faith developed through the resurrection of Christ in Acts and Epistles. Acts 2:32-32 says, â€Å"This Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we all are witnesses. Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, He hath shed forth this, which ye now see and hear†. Some other instances where this resurrection is the central theme are Acts 3:13-18; 4:10-12; 5:29-32; 10:37-43, and so on. Similarly, one can find this resurrection as the main theme in the Epistles. To illustrate, in 1 Corinthians 15, Paul provides a number of reasons why this resurrection is the basis of Christian faith. When some people in Corinth fail to believe in the resurrection of the dead, Paul explains the various dire consequences in the absence of resurrection. First, the act of preaching Christ will be futile, and hence, even faith in Christ will be useless. If Jesus were not resurrected from the dead, no one would be redeemed from sin as promised. That means all the preachers would be liars and Christians would become a pitiable lot on the earth. Thus, one can see that it is this resurrection which gave the disciples enough courage and faith in what they preached. This strong influence of the miracle on their faith is visible throughout the Epistles and Acts. Secondly, the Old Testament is full of prophesy about the resurrection, and for those in Israel who believed in Scriptures, the saviour is the one who would win over death. To

Friday, November 15, 2019

Evaluating strategic management inside Honda Motors

Evaluating strategic management inside Honda Motors Honda is a Japan- based automobiles company. It is a well known company for the production of cars and motorcycles. Honda automobile company offers various varieties of vehicles, ranging from compact, fuel efficient cars to SUVs, minivans and trucks. It is one of the top automobile manufacturers in the world and is well known for producing affordable and reliable forms of transportation. This report contains a comprehensive study of Honda automobiles. It looks at the current strategies of Honda automobiles, that how they put their strategies to implement their objectives. The main purpose of the report is to analyze the business Honda automobiles and how they compete with their competitors. 2.0 Objectives To research into the current strategic position of Honda motors. To critical analyze the external and internal environment of Honda motors. To design a selection of strategic option utilising the internal and external analysis 3.0 Company Overview In the global market scenario, Honda is the worlds largest engine manufacturer and market leader in Automobile. Honda has been operating 120 manufacturing facilities in 29 countries and employs 167,231 people worldwide. Honda has expanded in main markets following years i.e. In 1959 Honda established its first overseas subsidiary, American Honda Motor Co. Ltd, 1964 Honda established its first Asian subsidiary in Thailand, Asian Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 1965 Honda (U.K.) Limited established in London (the first market of Honda in, Europe) 1971 Honda Motor does Brazil Ltd. established in Sao Paulo (presently Honda South America Ltda.) The key point lead to Hondas success is the continuous innovation that was found by Mr. Honda as a basis. In todays automobiles world Honda is a largest manufacturer of motorcycle and it stands at a 9 largest automobile manufacturer in he world. The market share of Honda until now is 10.2 percent and it is ranked as No.5 in UK (the most particular/fastidious market). In United Kingdom, North America and Asias automobile industries, Honda Company becomes a technological force in the motorcycle sector. 3.1 Mission and Vision: MISSION Maintaining a global view point and we are dedicated to supplying products of the highest quality, yet at a reasonable price for worldwide customer satisfaction. VISION Striving to be a company society wants to exist. The main focus of Honda is on the developing a technologies and products in the two areas, electro-motive technology and motorcycles to create breakthrough for the future. 3.2 Strategy of Honda Motors 3.2.1Enterprise Strategy Honda wants to have its operation in worldwide to supply the highest quality of products at a reasonable price, with a dedication of consumer satisfaction. With new challenges in pursuit of quality, technology and initiative, Honda is pursuing their vision by striving a company society who wants to exist through creating the new value, globalization and commitment for the future. Moreover, Honda wants to take new challenges with the pursuit of Initiative, Technology and Quality. 3.2.2 Corporate Strategy Hondas portfolio includes three businesses: Automobiles business, Motorcycles business, Power business. Even though stepping into Automobile industry rather late at 1963, Honda quickly leads the industry with characteristics like superior fuel economy, optimum safety, and driving pleasure. Hondas sales and production in this industry prove successful steadily not just in U.S. but also in many regions worldwide. Meanwhile, motorcycle business is the first business of Honda, from 1963 with the event of the first overseas plant in Belgium, Honda has devoted in one basic rule: build products close to the customer. Now Honda has its Research and Development operations in many countries like U.K, U.S, Italy, China, Germany, Thailand and India. In the future they will create a very promising and potential Honda. 3.2.3Business Strategy RD is sharpening the business advantage of Honda, together with the fierce competition between Honda and competitors, and they all define the business strategy of Honda. One of the proudest things about Honda is its RD system. With the systematic way of approaching, focus on durability, reliability and basic performance to establish a creative and innovative technical foundation. With the wisely approach to the future, the Honda products do care about the economical, environmental, and social issues. Honda keeping involving in the research and development that benefit people in the future through leading-edge technology and commitment to innovation that opens up new possibilities in mobility. With à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¢The Joy of Selling- The dealership of Honda is also one of its strengths. Through creating products and services that provide the core values that make Honda unique, the Hondas associates around the world keep creating such inspiring experience for its customer. 3.2.4 Operational Strategy Honda operates in the worldwide market with 134 production facilities in 28 countries and at 31 RD facilities in 15 countries, about 167000 Honda employees and associates serve 23 million customers worldwide annually. Hondas global operations are divided into 6 administrative regions responsible for operating. Hiring and engaging the people and philanthropic initiatives locally in the communities that Honda operates. Honda is pushing the independence of their local management and sales operations, at the same time with integrating and forward-looking plan for each region. They operate under the conduct guidelines that help member companies and associates in evaluating and managing risks, complying with laws and regulations, keeping a high level of transparency in operational level, thats all to maximize the worldwide customer satisfaction. 3.2.5 The Individual Strategy This strategy reflects the Hondas values the three joys. That is The joy of buying, the joy of selling and the joy of producing. The individual strategy of Honda is reflected through the Hondas philosophy à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¢The Three Joyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬- The Joy of buying, the joy of selling, and the joy of producing. With the joy of buying, the Hondas associates must try their best to exceed the customers expectation. Meanwhile, with the joy of selling, which concern not only about the relationship between the dealers and their customers, but they also feel the pride of having a positive relationship with their customers. And the last one, the joy of producing comes from manufacturing, research and developmentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ by producing quality products that satisfy customers worldwide, the Hondas employees can experience pride in exceeding the expectation of their customers. That all bring the strategies of Honda from their enterprise level, through corporation, business, operational level, to individual strategy level, that spread the Hondas strategic spirit throughout the company. 3.3 GLOBAL OPERTION AND MARKET PLACE In 2009, Honda able to building their products closes to the customers. Honda delivered 23 million units to the customer round the six different regions worldwide. Honda always conscious about its operations, that they do not have any impact on the environment. In concern with all these things, Honda started working on the environmental stability around the world. 4.0 Market Analysis: 4.1 SWOT Analysis: STRENGTHS Producing high quality of products Having the Pioneer engineering in hybrid technology Build products which are always close to the customer. WEAKNESSES In non luxury vehicles, prices are much higher as comparison to other automobile companies. Do not have a strong offering in a truck line. Product are fairly brand and inoffensive in terms of styling. OPPURTUNITIES Company have to work on work on the low emission vehicles and other alternative power sources. An offering in a truck line business would be profitable, because these kinds of vehicles have the highest profit margin among anyone else. THREATS à ¢-  Changes in the government rules and regulation à ¢-  Credit crunch 4.2 Competitive Advantage Honda posses a large number of advantages in the automobile industry that makes it the most running brand in the market among a large number of consumers. Reliability Hondas effort towards the building up of its quality has maintained its top position in the market. Its product quality can be easily tested from the fact that a large number of older Honda automobiles are still running excellent on the roads. Fuel efficiency Honda is just not only designing and presenting varied models but is most importantly insisting on the fuel efficiency. Honda is the only brand that has launched the concept of Hybrid vehicles to save the consumers pocket while enjoying luxury. Value Honda has been known for its offering a complete product to the customers in terms of value for money whether you go for luxury segment or sports. 5.0 External Analysis: 5.1 PESTEL Analysis Political/ Legal environment: The various government rules and regulation imposed over automobile and power product industries regarding level of pollution, noise pollution, fuel consumption, vehicle emission level norms and nitrogenous substances. This changes from time to time and is made stricter to follow. Economic environment: Hondas operations are diversified throughout the globe like Japan, Asia, Europe, North America etc. A bad impact over a countries economic situation resulting because of various factors like credit crunch, slowing down of economy, market hits due to recession and rising fuel prices could lead to decrease in a demand of Hondas product. Technological Environment Utilizing the most advanced information technologies, Honda has developed and innovated itself continuously. The changes in IT lead to almost Hondas operation were controlled more effective. On the production process: by using the innovation means of production and mode of production, like the auto fit machine, Honda can mass product to reduce the cost, save the time and increase the capacity Natural environment: The more industry develops, the more the environment is negative affected. Among the environmental problems, Global Warming and Pollution Level are the problems that take the most concern of community. Many Non-Government Organizations has requested industrial firms to reduce CO2 emission and toxic wastes. So, as to tackle these kinds of problems, Honda is making a continuous effort towards various research and development of new technology and product. 6.0 Industry Analysis: 6.1 Porters Five Forces: The stated five environments above, Porters Five Forces is to analyze the business and industries of a company. It encourages the managers and marketers not only to look outside the current competitors but also with their prospective competitors. Moreover, it helps the company to understands what its customers want and control its supplier more effective. Now we utilize the Porters Five Forces to analyze Honda Company. The threat of substitute products That is defined as the existence of close substitute products increases the propensity of customers to switch to alternatives in response to price increases (source from This does mean that when a Hondas competitor can produce with high performance and economical price rather than Hondas. This product will replace Hondas product in the market. Hence, simultaneous reducing the market share and profit of Honda are the results. For example, the product line of sport motorbike, R6 of Yamaha is the close substitutes of Hondas F4. If Yamaha can achieve an modernism to produce R6 with the lower price against F4, It can in fact replace Hondas F4 on the market because customers have the same prospect with both the two products. The threat of entry of new competitors The hypothetical meaning is that in marketing with many existing competitors, the profit of each company will be lower than the maximum level. For example, in American Market the Ford and Honda is uncompromisingly fight together in this market to get the proper attention of the customer. Honda cannot get the upper limit profit in this market because of the policies of American Government protective domestically Company. Moreover, Honda has to spend money on accessing to distribution in American market. Moreover, it also finds difficulties in adopting the culture differences, etc. Those reasons will reduce the Hondas profit level. Rivalry among existing competitors: The above five characteristics is significant to the automobiles industry to analysis the competitive rivalry. The 3 main rivals that Honda has to compete violently are Toyota Motor Corp. (TM), Ford Motor Co. (FM), and General Motor (GM). However the changes in the approach of one of those competitors will be influences on the performance of Honda. Honda as well as its three rivals always keeps on innovating, improving, researching and developing to compete effectively in this auto industry. For example, whenever one of these four company releases a new model, the others will catch up and have similar products to compete. Like when Honda just comes with a new technology that is FCX CLARITY, the fuel cell vehicle in the next generation, GM Motors come with a Chevy Equinox SUV and put their fuel cell platform into it. A well-known model of Honda, Accord, has been challenging with its chief rival, Toyota Camry since its first appearance. Since Accord was released in the market in 1976, and until 1983, Toyota has launched its sedan i.e. Camry. Since then, these two models have kept on competing with each other. GM Malibu and Ford Fusion are also two models that GM and Ford use to compete with Accord and Camry. For, Toyota, and GM all can replace Honda in this auto industry. So, what Honda has to do is trying to improve its technology, research and development to create a competitive advantage, maybe as a Greenest automake The bargaining power of customers In business, if a company wants to exist it must create a good relationship with customers. Honda is a global company, it means Honda have a lot of competitors. So customers will confuse when they make decision for what Brand will be the best choice. It depend not only the famous company but also the price and quality. For example, Honda introduced Air Blade Scooter with functions like sport and fashion model, more fuel-efficient engine technology. It rapidly attracted the youth; the supply was not enough for demand. Then it made the shortage of Air Blade in the market and pushed price higher. Customer want to buy it must order and wait around one to two months. No longer after, Suzuki has utilized maximize the advantage of its competitors to its product. Suzuki introduced new model Hayate Scooter that have the same functions of Air Blade but set the amazing price (lower than 23%) and customer can take their product immediately. As a result, many customers change of their mind, the refore the market share of Honda to shrink. The bargaining power of suppliers One of the factor helps the company competes against with other companies is the ability to reduce the cost. Therefore, suppliers plays an important role to make the companys success. Suppliers may refuse to work with the firm or increasing prices for unique resources. Realizing the serious element, Honda purchases raw material, components and parts, from numerous external suppliers. Moreover, Honda relies on some main suppliers for the items and raw material that use in the manufacture of it products. There are some key suppliers of Honda in term of Metal Stamping Part : Takao Kinzoku Kogyo Co., Ltd; Hirata Technical Co., Ltd; Hongo Co., Ltd; Kikuchi Co., Ltd; Marujun Co., Ltd,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Among these companies, Kikuchi Co., Ltd deal with not only the supplier of Honda but also Nissans supplier. If Nissan was willing to purchase with higher price or had some benefit promotion than Honda, Honda might be affected on the capacity and increase the cost. 7.0 Financial Analysis As compare to fiscal year 2007 there was an increase of 8.3% in the net sales at the end of fiscal year 2008.This increase is fuelled by the higher sales of automobiles business. This was also due to the increase in the power product sales in Asia and from the effect of the foreign currency changes. 8.0 Conclusion and Recommendations The objectives of the company have been met, and then the strategies of the company that are followed are correlated with business environment and industry.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Club Drugs and Teens Essay -- essays research papers fc

Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In today’s society, teens are a common target of anti-drug campaigns and government advertisements. The goal of these campaigns is to make teens and young adults aware of the dangers associated with drug use. While these campaigns are generally effective, teens are still greatly tempted by the dangerous, exciting, and fast-paced world of club drugs. Despite the information they are constantly receiving from their teachers, parents, and government media, some teenagers will still adamantly pursue drugs in hopes of finding â€Å"a good time.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Some of the club drugs that teens are likely to try are extremely dangerous and can ruin a person’s mental or physical health with just a few uses. Because teenagers’ nervous systems are still developing, it is very easy for them to become addicted to drugs after even one use. The lifestyle that can be brought about by the use of club drugs can be a vicious cycle of self-destruction, and can have a rapid detrimental effect on a teen’s chances to excel in life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  However, many times facts are skewed by media and government agencies in order to keep teens off drugs. While this sort of propaganda has good intentions, many people find it morally unjust to deliberately misinform people, even for their own benefit. Some risks are greatly exaggerated, and some of the â€Å"facts† which are commonly accepted are barefaced lies. In this report, I hope to create a source of unbiased, legitimate facts about club drugs and the ways they are used by teens, and the effects that they can have on a teenager’s life. I believe it is better to know and understand the risks of drug use, and make an educated decision about using them, than to be told what to think and what to do by another person. Ketamine Hydrochloride (â€Å"K†, â€Å"Special K†, â€Å"Ket†, â€Å"Vitamin K†, â€Å"Cat Tranquilizer†)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ketamine is one of the lesser-known club drugs around today, and gets far less media coverage than other more common drugs. It has been used as a veterinary and medical anesthetic since 1965, and was known for producing a fairly safe, if unusual, anesthesia in patients. It was only in 1999 that Ketamine became a controlled substance in the United States, after governmental anti-drug agencies took note of people using it as a recreational drug. &... ...ments can be made for or against this statement, but the fact remains true that many people are concerned about drug use in teens. Combating and reducing sales and use of club drugs is not an easy task, nor one that will be accomplished quickly, if at all. This isn’t going to stop people from trying. As long as there are teens who abuse drugs, there will be people fighting to stop them, for better or for worse. Bibliography 1. â€Å"Teens’ use of meth growing.† The Daily Oakland Press. Posted by an anonymous internet user. April 11, 2005. 2. â€Å"Dark Crystal: Crystal Meth Across Canada.† CBC News. Author’s name not available. March 23, 2005. 3. â€Å"Ecstasy.† Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica premium Service. 4. Berube, Margery S., et al. â€Å"LSD†, â€Å"Ecstasy†, â€Å"Methamphetamine†, â€Å"Ketamine†. The American Heritage College Dictionary. 2000. 5. Multiple Anonymous Posters. â€Å"GHB†, â€Å"MDMA†, â€Å"Meth†, â€Å"Ketamine†, â€Å"LSD†.*

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Descriptions and language Essay

Look at the significance of chapter five to the novella s a whole. Focus on the effect of the writer’s use of language to describe sittings and characters. How does this contribute to the gothic genre and what does it demonstrate about social and historical influences? Frankenstein or the â€Å"Morden Prometheus† was published in 1818 by the author Mary Shelley she became well know for the gothic horror Frankenstein. The key message of the novel that Mary Shelley is putting across to the reader is that people should not play God. People started to become extremely terrified of the idea that life could be crated by mankind without a man, woman and God. Mary Shelley experienced a lot of misfortunes in her life as her family members died at a young age; this may have lead her to write this novel as it also has horrifying events, also she had a lot of knowledge about science. At that time science was very advancing meaning that the idea of creating became possible. Mary Shelley may have got the inspiration to create such a fascinating gothic horror novel from the misfortunes she experienced in her life and the advancing science at the time. Shelley depicts Frankenstein as being adamant he wanted to create life. His obsession took the better of him, he neglected everything just to accomplish his dream. This is shocking to the reader. He thinks that he could crate life better than God. â€Å"I behelded the accomplishment of my toils† Shelley describes how Frankenstein is successful. This is playing God. Frankenstein on realising what he has done hubris runs away from the facts and abandoned his creation. Frankenstein has committed hubris by going against God, Frankenstein will be punished for this wrenched act of creating life which is wrong, similar to Prometheus he was punished by the Gods for giving people more power than they were capable of handling and he was severely punished by the Gods for going against them. Linking the story to an ancient myth will increase the knowledge in the reader that hubris will be punished. In this novel chapter five is the most significant. The reason why, is because it holds the most important events that took place. In this chapter the creation is bought to life. Frankenstein rejects him because of his appearance he imagined it to be beautiful. Instead it is the most hideous thing that Frankenstein has had ever imagined. Frankenstein regrets what he has done but he is unable to reverse in time to make things go back to normal. Mary Shelley foreshadows what will happen next Shelley has used â€Å"with the gloom of the surrounding comfortless sky†. The reader will feel pathos towards Frankenstein as he has caused his own misery, also anxious as they will be able to predict what will happen next. Shelley uses descriptive language, she describes the monster as having â€Å"yellow skin†. Shelley writes this to create an image of the monster in the reader’s minds. The novel also compares the monster to a diseased person, it also is comparing the monster to a dead body a dead body is pale because it no blood flowing through it similarly to the monster as it is pale in real life. Shelley describes the monster this way so that the reader creates an ugly image of the monster in their minds. Mary Shelley uses descriptive language this helps to create fear and horror into the reader. The quote refers to the historical and religious aspects of the 19th century. Frankenstein was the first monster story to be written. Most of the horror novels at the time were about ghosts, in that time many people believed in ghosts as it was a popular theme for books. Shelley was determined to make her novel successful and to do this she needed to frighten her audience. She was able to do this by using her imagination, creative ideas and descriptive language such as â€Å"yellow skinned†. In addition this quotation describes the horrific features of the creature that Frankenstein created. Also yellow represented as the disease cholera which effected the people of the 19th century. Mary Shelley has used an expostulatory form throughout the novel. Shelley uses the point of view of Captain Walton who is the caption of the ship. Captain Walton helps Frankenstein onto his ship as Frankenstein is in terribly ill. Frankenstein tells the captain that he created a monster and how it killed all of his loved ones. Captain Walton writes to his sister about the story of Frankenstein and his creation this give the novel hindsight. Mary Shelley opens Chapter Five with Pathetic Fallacy, â€Å"dreary nigh of November†. This is when mood reflects the weather. This suggests that it was dark and miserable night like the earth knows something is wrong. The settings show the hidden acts the weather feels sorrows for. Shelley has used descriptive language to begin the chapter this informs the reader that this chapter is going to be extremely emotional and that it is the most important chapter. Shelley has chosen her settings very carefully. Shelley uses a link between darkness and the month â€Å"November†. This is because November is miserable and wintry. Mary Shelley describes what impact the creation has on Frankenstein. â€Å"For this I have deprived myself of health and rest†, this shows that Frankenstein has been deprived of sleep and must be physically and mentally tired. This links back to obsession as it shows he only cares about the creation and nothing else. As the creation is bought to life Frankenstein regrets creating it. This makes the reader feel bathos towards Frankenstein because he is the father of the monster as he is the one who created it. As soon as his creation is born Frankenstein abandons it. The reader will feel pathos towards the monster as it was not his mistake that he is abandoned by his father as soon as he is created. Captain Walton feels sympathy towards Frankenstein, as he learns that all of Frankenstein’s loved ones have been killed. Captain Walton also begins to understand why Frankenstein is in this position. â€Å"That is also my victim! ‘ in his murder my crimes are consummated the miserable series of my being is wound to its close! † the captain starts to feel sorry the monster, as he finds out that it has no one to care for him in the world except Frankenstein who already abandoned him. â€Å"His voice seemed suffocated and my first impulse, which has suggested to me the duty of obeying the dying request of my friend. In destroying his enemy, were now suspended by a mixture of curiosity and compassion† by the end caption Walton has compassion for the monster perhaps showing the reader who we should feel. Shelley has put a lot of thought in to deciding on her settings in the novel. In the 19th century there was no electricity therefore they used candles the candle light effect would have been well known to her reader. Whilst in the laboratory, Victors â€Å"candle was nearly burned out†! This quotation is telling the reader that Frankenstein’s life was very bright at the beginning of the novel as the novel continues there is less and less light in his life. As the light is fading away the reader will think that Frankenstein life is vanishing since he decided to deceive death. As light is fading it is bringing darkness to the setting which will frighten threaded as this is a mysterious colour? Shelley has used literary consciousness throughout the novel to show the reader that she being a woman in the 19th century still had a lot amount of knowledge. Shelley has included Dantes â€Å"Inferno† and much more she is showing the reader that she has a lot of potential and has a lot understanding about science and literature. People at the time would not have thought that a woman could write such a novel which is very creative and advancing in science. Shelley is showing off as she has succeeded in creating a novel which is unique and as good as any man could write. Ultimately I think that Chapter Five is the most significant chapter Shelley has used many language techniques to describe characters and settings. This helps the reader to imagine the gothic horror genre. Shelley committed herself to write this gothic horror novel as she was determined to make her reader interested in the first monster novel, people at the time only believed in ghosts and she has to put a great amount of effort to make the reader interested in the first monster novel. Shelley with a great imagination and wonderful techniques she made this story appealing to the reader. When someone loses their loved ones they feel that if they were able to bring them back they would but no one can cheat death. Frankenstein who tried to cheat death is punished.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Oligarch Society essays

Oligarch Society essays The Oligarch's disregard for the welfare of anyone or anything but themselves has proven quite hazardous to the environment. The Oligarch corporate heads, however, continue to deny any responsibility for the release of chemicals found to be killing huge numbers of amphibians. They were recently quoted as saying they "strive to preserve a healthy and attractive environment for their families". Nonetheless, amphibians throughout the world are in trouble! Over 200 species have been documented to be in decline in the last decade, 20 species are presumed extinct. Amphibians have been on this earth for over 300 million years and are extraordinary survivors. Why then are they now suffering so many extinctions? Scientists have recently proven the amphibians' immune responses have been depressed due to chemicals in their ecosystems. It is the question of how and where these toxic chemicals have made their way into the environment at the forefront of controversy. Chemicals make their way into the environment via many paths. Environmental pollution has, in fact, become a global problem. Industrial countries produce up to 90 percent of all hazardous waste, which includes industrial sludges, used batteries, toxic incinerator ash, and contaminated medical and military equipment. Illegal dumping, both at sea and on land is a growing concern. Cruise ships account for much hazardous dumping at sea such as garbage and human waste, as well as oil and chemical releases. Serious oil spills and other accidents also occur. Groundwater too has become contaminated. Groundwater lies almost everywhere below the earth's surface. More than two million cubic miles of fresh water is stored in the earth, and half of that is within a half mile of the surface. Because so much of our supply of fresh water comes from groundwater, polluted aquifers are a source of potential threat to the public health. ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Definition of Subject for Spanish Students

Definition of Subject for Spanish Students Traditionally, the subject is the part of the sentence that performs the action of the main verb of a sentence. Sometimes, subject is used to refer specifically to the noun or pronoun that performs the action of the verb. In Spanish (rarely in English except in commands), it is common also for the subject to be implied rather than directly stated. In the following sentences, the subject is in boldface. Examples El hombre canta bien. The man sings well. (The noun hombre is performing the action of the verb canta.)Los jugadores no estn con nosotros. The players arent with us. (The noun jugadores is performing the action of the verb estn.)Ellos no estn con nosotros. They arent with us. (The subject is a pronoun.)No estn con nosotros. They arent with us. (The subject here in the Spanish sentence is implied to be ellos but isnt directly stated. In translation, the pronoun here must be stated in English.) The subject of a verb can be contrasted with its object, which receives the action of the verb rather than performs it. The subject of the sentence sometimes is considered to include not just the noun, but all the words in the phrase that accompanies the noun. By this definition, el hombre in the first sample sentence can be considered the subject of the sentence. By this definition, the subject of a sentence can get quite complex. For example, in the sentence La chica que va al teatro no me conoce (the girl who is going to the theater doesnt know me), la chica que va al teatro can be considered the full subject. By this definition, the subject of a sentence can be contrasted with the predicate of a sentence, which includes the verb and often the object of the verb and related words. In Spanish, the subject and verb (or predicate) match in number. In other words, a singular subject must be accompanied by a verb that is conjugated in a singular form, and a plural subject takes a plural verb. Although the subject is usually thought of as the performer of a sentences action, in passive sentences this may not be the case. For example, in the sentence su tà ­o fue arrestado (her uncle was arrested), tà ­o is the subject of the sentence even though some unspecified person or persons are performing the verbs action. In Spanish, as in English, the subject typically comes before the verb except in questions. However, in Spanish, it is not extraordinary for the verb to come before the subject even in direct statements. For example, in the sentence me amaron mis padres (my parents loved me), padres (parents) is the subject of the verb amaron (loved). Sample Sentences Un planeta es un cuerpo celeste que orbita alrededor de una estrella. A planet is a heavenly body that orbits around a star.No comprendo la revuelta rabe. I dont understand the Arab revolt. (The subject in the Spanish sentence is implied.)Yo y tà º podemos hacer todo. You and I can do everything. (This is the use of a compound subject.)Me gustan las enchiladas. I like enchiladas. (In the Spanish sentence, the subject here comes after the verb. Note that in translation, the subject in English represents a different word.)Hoy empieza la revolucià ³n. The revolution begins today. (The subject comes after the verb. Although hoy is sometimes a noun, here it is an adverb.)Skype fue comprado por Microsoft. Skype was bought by Microsoft. (In this passive sentence, Skype is the subject even though it is not performing the verbs action.)

Monday, November 4, 2019

Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances between the Executive and Term Paper

Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances between the Executive and Judicial Branch - Term Paper Example It will be argued that while there are some limitations in the Executive/Judiciary relation, these limitations are also anticipated and addressed by further checks and balances. The roots of the balance of powers, lies with the American father's concern with factionalism. The Federalist papers, which numbered eighty-five, were written as theoretical defense's of the amendments to the Constitution, and they represent the justification for the notion of a 'balance of powers'. Federalist paper number ten specifically deals with the question of "factions", and was written by James Madison (Epstein 102). The most concise definition of a faction, might be phrased as a group with a central and discernible purpose, who are perceived to threaten the structures and powers of that which is protected or enshrined in the Constitution. In particular, the largest threat is articulated in terms of the potential dangers of those who advocate the "abolition of debts, for an equal division of property, or for any other improper or wicked project" [Boller 71], which is what he describes as the "most common and durable source" of factions [Boller 69]. Because Madison thinks liberty ought to be protected, and because he claims that dissension is "sown in the nature of man" [Boller 69]-- that is, people who are contrary will always exist, Madison advocates that one cannot remove the "causes", but instead one can only "control the effects" [Boller 70]. That is, if the causes are liberty and one does not want to remove liberty, then, one cannot control the causes. And, if dissension or difference is natural in humans, and one cannot remove an aspect of human nature, then, one cannot in this sense remove this causal aspect either. By a Republic as opposed to a democracy, Madison simply implies that representatives of the people as opposed to the people themselves are those who control the political spectrum. And, as representatives he claims that these figures will (in theory) be those who embody "wisdom", "patriotism", and a "love of justice" [Boller 70]. The American form of government is that of a ‘republic’, and it is the principal means by which the constitutional fathers thought that single factions could be challenged. This is marked by a number of variables which are written into the American Constitution which ensures the ‘Balance of Powers’. In brief, the balance is broken down into the ‘executive’, ‘legislative’ and ‘judicial’ branches [Woll 4]. And, there is a balance between these branches with respect to passing or accepting legislative bills. In the United States, the President and every member of both houses is elected for a fixed term: the President for four years, the senators for six (one-third retiring every two years), the members of the House of Representatives for two [Schmidt, Shelley Bards and Ford 68]. The only way to get rid of a president before the end of the four-year te rm is to impeach him (her), which is very hard to do, and has never been done and only twice even attempted. As the President, the senators and the representatives are elected for different periods, it can happen, and often does, that the President belongs to one party while the opposing party has a majority in either the Senate or the House of Representatives or both. So for years on end, the President may find his (her)

Friday, November 1, 2019

Ducati Customer Perception and Brand Loyalty Essay

Ducati Customer Perception and Brand Loyalty - Essay Example The research has been divided into different parts and each part is important to achieve the research aim and objectives in a significant and desired manner. There is no denying that loyalty is dependent on satisfaction and when customers are satisfied, there is every chance of them becoming loyals making it easy for organsiations to retain them for a long period of time. The research aims at identifying the loyalty and trust of Ducati customers in a critical and logical manner along with understanding what exactly influence and impact their loyalty in the short as well as in the long run. The research covers different aspects of customer loyalty and customer perception with prime focus on Ducati as a brand appealing a number of customers across the world. Pomerantz defined perception as a process of attaining awareness or understanding environments by interpreting information. This statement is based on normal human psychology that can be related to the customer perception. Customer perception is a process that is based on the information collected from wide arrays of sources and resources. It can be the case that customers using the existing product or service may create awareness along with changing the level of perception about that particular product or service. Organisations need to understand the perception of customers in order to market their products and services along with offering them something that will exceed the level of perceived perception (Alan, Gary, 2011) The research aims at identifying the perception of Ducati customers through questionnaires in order to understand their views and opinions highlighting their loyalty and trust factor for the motorcycle brand. The research has been divided into different parts and each part is important to achieve the research aim and objectives in a significant and desired manner. There is no denying that loyalty is dependent on satisfaction and when customers are satisfied, there is every chance of them b ecoming loyals making it easy for organsiations to retain them for a long period of time (Jones, et al, 2002). The research aims at identifying the loyalty and trust of Ducati customers in a critical and logical manner along with understanding what exactly influence and impact their loyalty in the short as well as in the long run. The research covers different aspects of customer loyalty and customer perception with prime focus on Ducati as a brand appealing a number of customers across the world. 1.1: Research Background Customer perception decides their buying behavior to an extent. Considering the fact that good and valid perception about a product often creates a positive image that allures customers to get associated with that product or service in the short as well as in the long run. Customer perception can be considered as the first stage of buying behavior where there is a difference between the reality and perception. Until and unless, customers use the product; ascertaini ng the reality can be a cumbersome task offering irrelevant attention and importance to perception (Reichheld, 1993). Customers’ perceptions can be influenced through reference groups and opinion leaders but should offer desired and more than perceived results in order to create long term value and mutual benefits in the competitive business environment. Perception leads to interest and zeal that forms the foundation of accepting products and services. On the other hand brand loyalty is consumers’